sunnuntai 29. kesäkuuta 2014

Feminismi ja ihmisten ymmärrys

Olen Deviantissa käynyt keskustelua raiskauksenvastaisesta julisteestani, raiskauskulttuurista siis. Tämä on juuri se syy miksi minulle on tärkeää ottaa asioista selvää ja yrittää kertoa niistä, ihan vain siksi että jotkut pölvästit tulevat väkisin riitaa haastamaan. Nämä on nyt englanniksi, kun ne englanniksi on käyty. Pahoittelen mahdollista vaikealukuisuutta eri osapuolten tahoilta.


Interestingly enough i've heard of the other extreme of this argument, where feminists try to say that women shouldn't learn to defend themselves but instead men should be taught not to rape. Personally either argument is stupid, a woman should be able to learn how to defend herself from deviants that would seek to violate a woman in such a manner whilst also having the freedom to wear whatever the hell she wants (within bounds of reason of law (Public indecency laws in particular.))

William-H-River (aka Miki):

In this world it's sadly necessary for a woman to know how to defend herself. I do think the society makes it terribly easy for men (and even women, 'cause rape isn't genderbound) to attack on someone in this horrifying way. Part of this is because some men think it is acceptable, that it is 'ok' because what follows is often very minimal penalty and most of the women are too ashamed to tell anyone about it, like the victims somehow are in responsibility for the horrible thing done to them. So I personally do think men - and society - should be taught about these things. It's gone all wonky somehow, blaming the victims and letting the perpetrator out of the hook.
You are absolutely right, women should be able to walk freely in their own clothes.


I hope that you realize that there are two sides of the coin here, men suffer more of a negative stigma than women do when it comes to rape. I feel people are more likely to be sympathetic to a woman's cause if she admits to being raped, whereas men will be often ridiculed when it happens to them. Not to mention that there are cases of false allegations as well by a small minority. I feel that expanding on the term rape and what it means (as has been done by parts of the feminist movement) doesn't help at all. One thing i feel people need to understand is that rape allegations are hard to prove for a reason, you need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is guilty and that is admittedly guilty in this case. One more thing i think people need to understand is that you cannot eliminate cases of violence against others, it's only something you can minimize and society isn't necessarily at fault for this as there will again always be deviants who do not follow society's rules usually because they're mentally unstable or broken according to society. That being said the only real instances of rape culture i have seen against women actively are usually in select few colleges or other places where sporting is of particular importance. As far as i'm aware of rape culture isn't as much of a problem as feminists make it out to be, from what i've seen it's not rampant in all of society as feminists make it out to be. That being said there are problem areas that do need to be dealt with, that also being said you can't assume that if a woman claims to be raped by an individual that it's true, the best thing to do is to take it to trial and see what the evidence says. The problem with this that goes against feminism is that the mere accusation of rape can ruin a mans life in every sense of the word. So this matter also needs to be addressed as well for true equality. It's a complicated issue no doubt, but i feel that many feminists (not all i imagine) over simplify the issue in the woman's favor and ignore any hardship a man could endure in this complicated issue.


There is a reason why men are on a spotlight in this issue. Not all men go around raping people, but the fact that there are some who do have given a negative light to men, mainly because women are scared. Every girl has heard the warnings about not going along with men they don't know, or walking home alone. Women do get roofied and dateraped on a daily basis. But when I speak of rape I talk about every gender there is.

The stigma of rape varies on genders, mainly because women have been a property and property was meant to be handled like that - any way you please. Men instead had - and still some think that they have - to be powerful and unsubmissive, so when a man gets raped he is suddenly somehow 'weak' and 'useless'. This is what makes it so important to talk and educate people about these things. As I said in my earlier reply, rape is not genderbound, it can happen to anyone and it always causes a trauma.

I'm happy you haven't been submitted to rapeculture where ever you live. I live in Finland, am from a good family and even though I am not a social person or have big social circles, I still have 7 persons close to me who have been raped. Seven, one of them male. All of them come from different backgrounds and all of them have horrible experiences, from the rape and peoples reactions afterwards.

If you are raped, you have to contact the police immediately, that way you get the medical attention you need and all the samples for proving the assailants identity. This is critical to do as soon as possible and without contaminating or wiping off the evidence (changing clothes, taking a shower or a bath, washing your teeth etc.). Police will take pictures of all the bruising and cuts and such and if they don't, you should do it yourself. It's important to remember the victims is never to blame, no act in this world gives another person a permission to hurt another this way.

There is a small group of women (who are not feminist, as feminist believe in equality in everything and false accusations do not drop in this category) that try to use rape as revenge or somesort. They should not do this, as it is a very selfish, stupid, thoughtless thing to do. It demeans every victim of rape and helps absolutely no-one, it puts weight on the police to sort through the false ones from the real ones and slows the justice (which is, lets face it, ridiculously small compared to other crimes). The effect this has on a mans life is of course devastating, as it is an assault to a very personal thing in ones life. 

This is why I find rape culture so important to me. I have become very familiar with it and I hate it and what it does to people. There is no justification for rape, there is no justification for ruining someones life 'just cause you felt like it', there is not justification for attacking someone physically and psychically and scarring them for life.

The audacity of some people saying that this is just some ramblings of feminists and women tells me that this is a big issue, that it needs to be addressed and that it can not be taken lightly.


Saa nähdä jaksaako se vielä vastata jotain. Jos haluat sanoa jotain johonkin väliin sen voit tehdä täällä.

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